Click the tabs below to see job listings for each SJOG company.
[qode_accordion][qode_accordion_tab title=”Hospitaller Services Group” title_tag=”h4″ el_id=”HSG”]
Property Officer
The Property Officer is a member of the SJOG HSG Estates Department. The Department manages strategic property matters for Saint John of God companies and for the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God.
Modern Health Services with Traditional Values
Hospitality, compassion, excellence, justice and respect. These are the core values that are the very foundations of our organisation. They are the values that prevail over all the work we do, whoever it is for, in whatever division.
Coupled with a modern forward-thinking attitude, we believe it is these principles that make Saint John of God Hospitaller Services one of the best healthcare institutes in Ireland.
All current vacancies will be listed on this page.